Digital X-Ray
X-Ray uses radiation to take images and is the most frequently used method of medical imaging for diagnosing injuries and many other medical conditions. Positioning of the patient, x-ray machine, and film depend on the type of exam and specific area of the body being studied.
Your physician MAY request multiple individual views. To insure that the image is not blurred, you may be asked to hold your breath and/or not move during the exposure, for 1-2 seconds.
Please inform the health care provider PRIOR to your X-Ray if you are pregnant, may be pregnant. You will be asked to remove jewelry during the exam because metal can flaw the image.
What is Digital X-Ray?
Digital radiography (X-ray) is a form of radiographic imaging where digital X-ray sensors are used instead of traditional photographic film. Advantages include increased efficiency by eliminating the need for chemical processing and the ability to transfer and enhance images digitally. Also, less radiation can be used to produce higher-quality images.
X-ray is a commonly used method to identify many different conditions, such as bone fractures. The X-rays pass through multiple tissues, striking a film or detector to create an image. X-rays are safe when properly used by professionals (radiologists and technologists) specially equipped to operate and minimize exposure.

How should I prepare?
After you have checked in for your appointment, you will be escorted to an exam room, where you may be asked to change into a patient gown. You should remove all jewelry and other removable items such as glasses, dentures, and hearing aids – depending on your exam type. Females of childbearing age should always inform their technologist if there is any possibility of pregnancy.
What should I expect?
X-rays are fast, easy, and painless. The part of your body to be examined will be positioned appropriately, and several different views of that body part may be obtained. The technologist will instruct you to hold still and, in some cases, to hold your breath while the X-ray is taken to eliminate the image's blurring. X-ray exams generally take less than 20 minutes, after which you can return to normal activities.
After your study, the images will be evaluated by one of our board-certified radiologists. Then, a final report will be sent to your doctor or healthcare provider, who can discuss the results.